Startseite > Immergrün-Energie > Beschwerde-Nr.: 229931 > Eingabeformular Firmenantwort
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I am a customer of immergrun-Energie and have a contract with you from 15.09.2020 to 30.09.2021.

In my contract, I should receive two rewards, an instant bonus of 30,-- euros and a 15 % new customer bonus (96,21 euros). For these two rewards, immergrun-Energie asked me to contact my network operator Bayernwerk and give me a document stating that I am a private electricity user. I have never used the electricity commercially and only used it privately. I asked the Evergreen how they know if I was using the electricity for commercial purposes, to which they replied that I am somehow registered as a commercial customer in their system. I don't know how that is possible. I have now contacted Bayernwerk and they have told me that immergrün has registered me as a private customer in their system, but since I do not have a contract with Bayernwerk, they cannot provide me with a document stating that I am a private customer. I have the chat history with the bayernwerk employee who stated this and am enclosing this as evidence. I also don't understand if Immergrun has registered me as a private customer with Bayernwerk, how am I a commercial customer in the immergrün system? I'm fed up with this hassle and just want my instant and new customer bonus as promised in the original contract. If immergrün has registered me as a private customer with Bayernwerk, how am I a commercial customer in the immergrün system? I'm fed up with this hassle and just want my instant and new customer bonus as promised in the original contract. If immergrün has registered me as a private customer with Bayernwerk, how am I a commercial customer in the immergrün system? I'm fed up with this hassle and just want my instant and new customer bonus as promised in the original contract.

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