Startseite > Opodo (Deutschland) > Beschwerde-Nr.: 215924 > Eingabeformular Firmenantwort
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I have just wasted another 35 minutes of my life trying to talk with and get a meaningful response from Opodo on the issue of obtaining the credit facility Ethiad are advertising.
I need it for my wifes ticket.
Please may I strongly recommend Opodo provide a meaningful and substantive response, in writing, at the earliest available opportunity (I. e. Today) rather than me telephoning, trying to make myself understood, being put on hold indefinitely, to the point when i ring off.
Please answer today with a meaningful response confirming that the credit facility being offered by Etihad on flights that cannot be used owing to the covid 19 pandemic
Please check the Etihad public web site and confirm Opodo will hold to the advertised commitment.
I need a response in writing today 20 Aug 2020.

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