Startseite > Ryanair > Beschwerde-Nr.: 188127 > Eingabeformular Firmenantwort
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Monday 25th February: My boyfriend and I got a call that a very close family member in Austria had an accident and we needed to fly the same day to Vienna. When we arrived at the airport, we decided to split, so my boyfriend went to park the car and I went to buy the tickets from the customer desk.

At the customer desk were sitting 3 women, I waited until they finished their (so it seemed) funny conversations even though I had only 15 minutes left to purchase the ticket. A girl served me then, no kindness, not offering any help at all. When I explained that it was an emergency and asked her to book the ticket for my boyfriend until he is parking the car, because like I said we had only 15 min, she refused.

I asked her to do only all the formal things so when my bf arrives we only do the check in. Again no. I tried to explain that we will miss the flight and it is really an emergency. No. She looked at me like I was some crazy stupid stranger asking for a favor, talking with customers did not seem to be her specialty. I called my boyfriend and he told me he won’t make it. So I tried again, the lady behind the desk seemed already annoyed because I was asking that much. She was not talking nicely at all, I obviously got angry.

I could not understand, how there are employees who don’t have any compassion for others and talk to customer like this. But the best is still to come!

When my boyfriend arrived, she told him she has no other tickets left to sell and anyway wouldn’t sell it to me! So I said that I am sorry and that I already have my ticket it is just him who needs one. When I apologized, she laughed. It was like she was enjoying the mess and that she can decide whether we fly or not.

First, she lied and said there are no tickets left, then my boyfriend asked if she is doing that because she argued with me and her answer was “We decided not to sell you any tickets, Ryanair can decide which customer to serve and which not”. So right, they can talk rude, unfriendly and without any understanding with their customers but once a customer is talking back like them, you don’t get served? And on top of that, she lies to us that there are no seats available left but when I arrived in the plane all by myself, there were plenty of seats free, even next to me!

Cheapest airline ever, employing staff that has no clue how to talk to customers in emergency situations. I hope that woman will lose her job, because obviously she is not in the position to do customer service and because of her we had to split up and fly 7 hours separately with transfer.

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